CA Insurance CE: What do I need to renew my insurance license?
If you are confused about what you need or how to renew your insurance license, don’t worry, we have you covered.
We at Affordable Educators complete custom license reviews all day, everyday for agents just like you! But if you don’t have time to call us or live chat us, or you just want to know what the heck your California continuing education requirements are, let’s dive right in!
Step 1
First you will want to head to California Department of Insurance’s website @ www.insurance.ca.gov, once here, you will click the agents and brokers tab and select check a license. If you know your license number, you will select search by license number or if not, select search by license name search.
Step 2
After you have found yourself (check the name that appears on the screen to make sure it’s really you, lots of duplicate names in the state of California!)… your screen should look like this.
Step 3
Scroll to the bottom and find the button that says continuing education and click. Now we’re getting to the meaty part! You should now see this screen.
Let’s break down some of the verbiage:
The first section tells you how many hours are required, how many hours you have applied (either from carry forward or hours that you have taken within this renewal period) and hours needed to renew (aka, how many yours you may still need). Got it? Okay, good! Let’s move on to, Section 2.
The second Section will show you Additional Education and Training. This is usually ethics training (required for everyone), annuities or long term care training (required if you sell OR receive commissions from either of these products) or homeowners’ training (a one-time 3 hour course required to sell or talk to clients about homeowners’ insurance).
Step 4
If you want to see more detail, click view CE detail next to the First Section
This just shows the insurance CE courses you may have currently taken and you can see what you took last license renewal (And maybe even see what you can repeat.. YES! You can repeat courses)
Now that we’ve seen what you need to renew, what insurance CE courses should you take to satisfy your license???
Sometimes, there’s confusion that you need to specifically take life or health or property & casualty courses based on which license you may have. This isn’t necessarily the case. Let’s say you have all the license types (life/health & P/C), that means you can take any of our courses to make up your hours and/or take one of our ten ethics courses too (everyone needs at least three hours of ethics training, every license renewal). Or let’s say you have life and health only, you still need to do ethics of course, but if you do not sell any annuities or LTC products, you can take ALL ethics to renew you license, yay! Now, that’s easy!
If you sell or receive commissions from annuities or long term care products, you’ll want to make sure to include those as part of make your own package insurance CE. See additional annuity and long term care rules here.
We hope this breakdown was useful, but if you’re still stuck or just want to double check with us, we are here for you… Call us @ 800-498-5100 OR Live chat us (new feature!) on our website, www.affordableeducators.com.