The California Department of Insurance has a new anti-fraud training requirement designed to make agents more aware of fraud and their
responsibility to detect and report it. A new anti-fraud training certificate is required as part of your continuing education, if you are
renewing after March 1, 2023.
All California insurance agents will be required to complete the Anti-Fraud as part of their ethics training from March 1, 2023 on. There are two ways to certify that you have completed the Anti-Fraud training: the Easy Way or Self-Certify through the Dept of Insurance (DOI).
Since all California insurance agents will at some point be required to complete the Anti-Fraud as part of their ethics training, Affordable Educators has made it easier than ever! All of our ETHICS courses now have the training, direct from the Department of Insurance, incorporated into the reading and are approved. When you take any of our ethics courses, the Anti-Fraud training is automatically included and you will not be required to self-certify or send your certificate.
If you decide to self-certify through the Department of Insurance, you will need to watch the full, one hour video and will need to follow their instructions to self-certify by emailing your certificate and then maintaining this certificate in your records.
To watch the video, please visit the Department of Insurance’s website here.
Please note that this video is only temporary and at some point, all continuing education providers will be required to insert the fraud training into their ethics courses, as we have already done.
What is Anti-Fraud Training all about?
The DOI has mandated that 1-hour of anti-fraud training be included as PART OF every ethics course. This training discusses insurance fraud case studies, red flags and the methods insurance agents need to know to detect and report suspected insurance fraud.
Who needs to take the Anti-Fraud Training?
All insurance agents, as well as prospective agents, need to complete the one hour anti-fraud training.
Who does not need to take?
Insurance agents who are waived due to the 70 age/ 30 year experience requirement.
Bail Agents and Adjusters do NOT need to take this training.
Why does the DOI want Insurance Agents like me to take Anti-Fraud Training?
With the frequency of fraud on the rise, the DOI feels that agents are in a unique position to detect and report insurance fraud at an early stage.
I'm already taking fraud courses for my Medicare or Securities License training. Do I still need to take this new, Anti-Fraud Training?
Yes. This is a new, different anti-fraud training that targets insurance fraud in the life, health and casualty industries. The DOI will NOT accept any other fraud training you are now taking.
Is there a special/specific Anti-Fraud Training Course?
Not really. The DOI has mandated that 1-hour of anti-fraud training be PART OF every ethics courses. So, when you take any ethics course from us, you will automatically satisfy the anti-fraud training requirement and necessary record keeping to remain compliant.
How will the DOI know I have taken Anti-Fraud Training?
When you take any ethics course through our school, our courses automatically include the Anti-Fraud training, so there is no need to do anything further.
How does Affordable Educators make my Anti-Fraud Training Easier?
First, anti-fraud training is now part of every ethics course we offer. Take any ethics course from us and you’re done.
When does Anti-Fraud Training need to be completed?
Beginning 3/1/2023, you MUST take anti-fraud training before you renew your license and for every renewal thereafter. Affordable Educators is one of the first approved providers to launch a complete anti-fraud training system to satisfy the DOI’s requirements and provide easy compliance and recordkeeping for you, our agent customers. Any ethics course you take from us, will satisfy your anti-fraud training at the same time.
What if I've already taken all the Continuing Education I need for my next renewal?
If you have completed your 24 hour CE requirement from us AFTER 2/2/2023, your ethics course will include and satisfy your anti-fraud training for your up-coming renewal. Just make sure you use our one-click system to email your certificate to the state, or email the anti-fraud certificate to the State on your own.
If you completed all your continuing ed from us BEFORE 2/3/23, you will still need to take anti-fraud training before your next renewal. The best way to accomplish this is to take the temporary, standalone, online anti-fraud training video course provided by the DOI. Simply view the video and self-certify with the form provided by the DOI. Click here to start the course. Or, you could take another ethics course from us that includes the anti-fraud training and record keeping to prove you did it.
What if I fail to take the required Anti-Fraud Training?
The DOI is very determined that all agents take anti-fraud training. It is a requirement to renew your license. While we are not aware of specific penalties for non-complying, we suspect you could face suspension of your license until you have met the training requirement.
Still in doubt what to do to satisfy anti-fraud training? Just give us a call at (800) 498-5100.